In order to rent an apartment in Zurich you need the perfect application dossier!
If you plan to rent an apartment in Zurich, I must warn you: It’s not an easy task! The real estate market in Zurich is very competitive. In order to find an apartment in Zurich you need to have the perfect application dossier.
Your application dossier should include the following documents. Not all of them are officially required, however, it is important to leave no doubt that you are the perfect tenant for the apartment to rent in Zurich of your choice:
1. A short introduction letter saying who you are and why you plan to rent an apartment in Zurich. If you do not have pets and do not play music instruments: mention it.
2. A “Betreibungsregisterauszug” which is a paper from the local authorities which confirms that you haven’t been subject to a debt collection enforcement procedure. You can get this document from the local authorities of the place you used to live before.
3. A copy of a work contract which shows that you will be able to pay the rent for your apartment in Zurich. If a landlord has proof that you have a job and will receive a salary every month, it is a good argument to choose you as the future tenant to rent his apartment in Zurich.
4. A CV so the landlord gets you to know a little better and know who he is renting his apartment out to. Especially private landlords like to know as much as possible about the person who rents their apartment. Obviously this is not compulsory but recommendable.
5. The filled out application form that most of the landlords or real estate companies in Zurich provide. This form is required by most of the landlords. Don’t forget it.
6. A few photos of yourself so your future landlord remembers or recognises you when you meet in person. Again, obviously this is not compulsory. However, if you rented out an apartment in Zurich, wouldn’t you like how the person you rent it out to looks like?
7. References from people who will confirm that you will be a pleasant tenant. This can be your employer or a former landlord. Include a phone number and an email address.
On you can find apartment and room offers which are not published on big real estate websites and which are from other expats. This is a big advantage as your chances to be selected as the future tenant of the place are much higher than when you respond to apartment ads which are published on mainstream platforms. However, you still need to be convincing to be THE person who will rent this apartment in Zurich! Therefore you need to perfect application dossier.
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