Expat replacement tenants: A Swiss speciality that might help you find an apartment to rent in Zurich more easily
In Zurich (and the whole of Switzerland) it is very common that tenants who leave an apartment need to find a new tenant who will rent it. Learn under which conditions you will have to find a replacement tenant for your apartment in Zurich and how Expats in Zurich can benefit from this fact when searching for an apartment to rent.
You only have to find a replacement tenant in Zurich if you want to leave your rental apartment under other conditions than specified in your rental contract. Landlords and real estate companies in Zurich can specify how long in advance you need to notify them before you can terminate your contract with them. Usually it’s three or even four months before. Also it is possible that it is only possible leave at certain dates of the year, e.g. four different months of the year. Different cantonal laws apply and specific arrangements can be defined in your rental contract.
Important to know: Basically you can leave the apartment you rented in Zurich at any time of the year! The Swiss law only requires that you find a suitable replacement tenant who takes over your lease when you leave. Suitable meaning that the new tenant must be able to show that he can pay the rent and that he or she will not cause any major disadvantages to the landlord. Say you want to leave at the end of the coming month and your contract says that you can only leave if you notify your landlord three months before, you will have to find a replacement tenant. This rule always applies even if it is stated otherwise in your contract! One year contracts for example are in most cases not valid (provided you can present a suitable replacement tenant who will rent your apartment in Zurich).
Expats in Zurich can help other expats by choosing another expat as the next tenant to rent their apartment. The landlord does not have to accept the recommended new tenant, however, it is very common that they do! (Why should the landlord make the effort of looking for a new one if he/she doesn’t have to). On flatsforexpats.com you can find numerous apartment ads from expats in Zurich who are looking for a new tenant among other expats who want to rent their apartment.
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