TIP: Get an apartment to rent from another expat in Geneva!
Why are your chances to find an apartment to rent in Geneva much higher if you try to take over a rental lease from another expat? There are several reason why it makes a lot of sense for expats in Geneva to team up and help each others out when it comes to the problem of finding an apartment to rent in Geneva.
Expat solidarity is very helpful in many areas: An expat who went through a difficult experience is usually willing to help another expat in the same situation. As finding an apartment to rent in Geneva is very hard, expats are usually very open to helping other expats in Geneva who are new to the city. As in Geneva, and the whole of Switzerland, it is common that a tenant leaving a rental apartment must find a replacement tenant, there is the possibility for the old tenant to recommend someone to take over his or her lease. This is when an expat has a certain power to decide who will be picked as the next tenant. Expat solidarity means in this case that the old tenant chooses another expat in Geneva to rent the apartment.
An expat leaving an apartment to rent in Geneva has another advantage if she or he picks another expat as the new tenant. They can communicate in English. Even though expats might pick up the local language after a while for many it’s still hard to handle stuff like finding a new tenant for an apartment to rent in French. The apartment ad can be done in English, phone calls and emails as well.
flatsforexpats.com is based on the above described facts. It’s a platform where expats in Geneva can find other expats and exchange apartments. In order to give preference to expats, the advertisers agree not to publish the apartment ad on the major housing platforms. Like this flatsforexpats.com members are given preference when a new tenant who will get to rent the apartment is chosen.
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