flatsforexpats.com is now available for free
You can now access the rental apartment and room offers on flatsforexpats.com for free. As a basic member (free) you are allowed to view a certain number of apartment ads for free every week. If you like flatsforexpats.com, you have the possibility to become a premium member and get unlimited access to all offers for a few francs a month.
flatsforexpats.com’s apartment and room offers are only available to registered expats. So far some of the cities were available completely free, for some it was necessary to pay a fee in order to access them. Now all the cities can be accessed through a free subscription. After subscribing you can browse the apartment and room offers which are from other expats who are looking for a new tenant or flatmate.
You can view the offers of your choice for free, however, if you use flatsforexpats.com a lot you will be asked to become a premium member. A subscription is available for a few Swiss Francs per month. If you decide not to become a premium member, you can simply come back the following week and you will be able to access a certain number of ads again.
What are the advantages of flatsforexpats.com? Renting an apartment in Zurich or Geneva or another city with a very difficult housing market can be challenging. On flatsforexpats.com you find rental apartment offers which are from other expats who are looking for a flatmate or a new tenant for the apartment they are leaving. The expat placing the ad agrees on publishing the offer exclusively on flatsforexpats.com in order to give other expats the exclusive chance to get the apartment or room.
The goal is to make it easier for expats to rent an apartment in a city which might be new to them. You can subscribe for free if you see the offers, select the city you want to rent an apartment in and then subscribe in the left side menu.
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